Chameleon boy
So now we've come upon the hardest thing I've ever done
It's telling you that I'm a mess
What sort of mess I mean
Is self-destructive gasoline
The kind that strips you of your best
And while I play instead the way that most would end up dead
You sleep alone at home and wish that I was in our bed
With this I'm telling you
My color changes back to blue
How do I ask you this
Will you help me through
Stand by for another breakdown
Sound off the alarm
Is this the chameleon boy I swore I wouldn't become
Stand by for another breakdown
Sound off the alarm
Is this the chameleon boy I swore I wouldn't become
Chameleon boy
Chameleon boy
I try to think of all the people I look up to
Or growing up who would I be
Now the twisted part
Where'd all my idols end up
They all passed away
Passed away
It's telling you that I'm a mess
What sort of mess I mean
Is self-destructive gasoline
The kind that strips you of your best
And while I play instead the way that most would end up dead
You sleep alone at home and wish that I was in our bed
With this I'm telling you
My color changes back to blue
How do I ask you this
Will you help me through
Stand by for another breakdown
Sound off the alarm
Is this the chameleon boy I swore I wouldn't become
Stand by for another breakdown
Sound off the alarm
Is this the chameleon boy I swore I wouldn't become
Chameleon boy
Chameleon boy
I try to think of all the people I look up to
Or growing up who would I be
Now the twisted part
Where'd all my idols end up
They all passed away
Passed away
Postat av: Mattias
Ber om ursäkt för den dåliga uppdateringen! :) Haft så mycket att göra och när det är helg så spenderas den med flickvännen så mycket som möjligt! :) Min helg har varit bra, ingen fylla som kanske skulle behöpvas men den kommer väl! :) Hur har din egna helg varit? Ha det kalas!! Kramar